

59.00 USD $49,00

Don’t have a WooMultistore license yet? Grab one at 5% discount using the code SWPH-WOOMULTISTIORE now. After that, you can order our custom integration service here as well. We will then contact you for further details. See full details regarding this service bellow.

This option will increment the final price by 19 USD per site. Please note that your websites must be created before we start work.

WooMultistore features some integrations with other popular plugins.

How does WooMultistore work?

WooMultistore is by far the best Stock Sync plugin for WooCommerce out there!  However, configuring the WooMultistore plugin can sometimes require a bit of effort or at least some technical knowledge on behalf of the shop administrator. After all, anything worthwhile requires a bit of elbow-grease, right? We can help you get up and running in no time!

WooMultistore works by connecting single WordPress sites together, but it also works nicely on WordPress Multisites. Regardless, one of the sites in your network will be the parent shop, while the others will be your child shops. Please note that it can not connect Single Sites with Multi Sites due to a simple technical limitation in the multisite core functionality.

What does this service include?

Ordering our custom WooMultistore plugin setup and configuration service not only saves you time in configuring the plugin but you also benefit from a professional setup of the plugin, not leaving room for any error or doubts. Please note that this service does NOT include the actual WooMultistore License. you must purchase that yourself.

This service includes:

  • configuring the plugin on your master WooCommerce store
  • configuring the plugin on as many child WooCommerce stores as you selected on your order
  • connecting the child store to your main store
  • setting up the the plugin settings as per your requirements
  • setting up the plugin addons, if required
  • running an initial Bulk Sync operation (unlimited products), if required or manually setting the sync between specified products and/or categories (up to 10 products)
  • running a few test orders to make sure that
    • Orders are imported to the master store (if it is set to do so)
    • Stock is being kept in sync in between the master and child sites, depending on the order statuses.


What are the minimum requirements necessary to run this service?

In order for us to be able to setup WooMultistore for you, some basic requirements are needed:

  • you must have an active WooMultistore license
  • your websites must exist, regardless if it is a network of individual WooCommerce shops or a WordPress MultiSite network. The websites can all be blank, but WordPress + WooCommerce must exist on each of them. You can add you theme and content later if you wish.
  • if you are using 3rd party plugins, such as WPML (in particular), and for which WooMultistore has available addons, please have those 3rd party plugins already configured as instructed on the respective WooMultistore addon page.

What information will we require from you?

After you have placed your order with us, we will contact you for the following info:

  • your WooMultitore license key
  • instructions on how to set the plugin up for each individual site
  • access to your sites through a securred communication channel, such as

What does this service NOT include?

We try to keep this service as simple and straight-forward as possible. in that regard, we must avoid some possible scenarios, but rest assured, if you need more help, you can allways hire one of our WordPress developers or get a quote.

This service does not include:

  • integrating WooMultistore with other 3rd party-plugins for which there are no official addons available
  • installing or configuring main plugins for which you have bought WooMultistore Addons. For example, if you are using it and WP All Import + the WP All Import WooMultistore addon, you must have the WP All Import plugin already installed, activated and configured
  • importing large files of tens, hundres, thousands, gazilions and megazilions of products. For that, we have a separate service.

How do refunds for this service work?

The refund conditions that would apply to this service are covered on this page alone, as they are speciffic to this service and not our global offer. In this sense, refunds apply if any of the following conditions are met:

  • you canceled your order/license on or your license is no longer valid (for reasons that do not depend on you) before you sent us instructions and we have started work or completed the service
  • within the first 24h of your purchase of this service on our website (here)

Refunds do not apply for any of the following reasons:

  • you changed your mind after the first 24h of from purchasing this service and no longer need it
  • you canceled or deactivated your WooMultistore license or simply choose not to use this plugin anymore, after the first 24h from the purchase of this service

Ready to get your WooCommerce stock in sync?


59.00 USD 59.00 USD Get started

WooMultistore Plugin Setup and Configuration

Original price was: $89,00.Current price is: $59,00. $59,00Add to cart